快好知 kuaihz

1. It isolate vibrations from axial, transverse and rotatory orientation. 2. Objective To study the appearance of atlantoaxial rotatory dislocation with CT and to evaluate its value. 3. Objective To introduce effect for treatment of rotatory fixation atlanto-axial subluxation in children with combination of a new type halo- cast fixation apparatus and operation. 4. The rotatory direction of amino-acid can be predicted from its structure. further, the configurati... 5. Objective To investigate anatomical position of the rotatory center in cervical rotatory and local manipulation. 6. The tetramisole molecular have optical activity. The traditional method is time and cost consuming to decide the rotatory direction and the value of optical rotatory. 7. Guide bearing of vertical hydrogenerator carries the radial force from its rotatory parts. 8. On the basis of the author's former paper, in this paper the forced vibrations of rectangular orthotropic plates taking into account the shear deformation and rotatory inertia are discussed. 9. At present, with the development of pharmaceutical and foodstuff, rotatory sterilizer is needed more and more. 10. So that it results in the change of the rotatory direction. 11. The results show that, for given homogeneous light , the rotatory power increases with increasing temperature. 12. Effects of cinnarizine on the REG power spectrum and nystagmus of rabbits during rotatory stimulation were studied. 13. There are many helixes of dihedral angle, and the whole skeleton forms a large helix in the structure of the rotatory isomer. 14. Structure and purity of the product were confirmed by 1 H NMR and specific rotatory power. The yield of D Penicillamine was 64%. 15. Some clinical surgeons feel difficult to make an accurate control on the power and rotatory joint position while operating, even results in iatrogenic injury. 16. Combination of the method and operation are suitable for treatment of rotatory atlanto - axial subluxation in children. 17. Objective To evaluate 3 D CT reconstruction in diagnosing atlanto axial rotatory displacement ( AARD ) in children. 18. Objective To provide anatomical data for the pathological mechanism of atlantoaxial rotatory deformity in children. 19. In this thesis, the fast distinguishing technology of optical maser wavelength was researched in theoretically and practically in detail using principle of optical rotatory dispersion.