快好知 kuaihz

clenched fist造句
1 She held up a clenched fist in defiance. 2 His clenched fist was the only outward sign of his anger. 3 William Joyce presented the clenched fist in an armour of brass knuckles. 4 The clenched fist in my chest had relaxed and let go. 5 Him frowning, laughing, holding his clenched fist up to his mouth. 6 He slammed his clenched fist into the desk, and began to cry. 7 The hand can be either a clenched fist or an open palm, depending upon how the defender wishes to counter attack. 8 You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. 9 He flourished his clenched fist at her. 10 He opened the conversation with a clenched fist. 11 Indira Gandhi:You can't shake hands with a clenched fist. 12 She struck her forehead with her clenched fist. 13 My stomach seized up like a clenched fist, and nausea rolled into me like a fever. 14 You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. ---Indira Gandhi. 15 The realization came as a shock and she pressed her clenched fist to her heart as if to pacify it. 16 The cowrie concentrates its secretion along the sides of the mantle, forming a shell like a loosely clenched fist. 17 There is more power in the open hand than in the clenched fist. 18 Please hurry -' said the Shanghai collector impatiently. He brought his clenched fist down on the table.