快好知 kuaihz

job hunter造句
1. Too many job hunters make the classic mistake of thinking only about what's in it for them. 2. The job hunter dawdled all morning but achieved nothing. 3. About 50,000 hopeful job hunters are queuing to emigrate. 4. The 31-year-old job hunter was delighted when she received an appointment for a job interview. 5. The person approached is usually not a job hunter but some one who is very successful in his or her present position. 6. The reasons so many people become job hunters are many and varied. 7. Yet this is what most job hunters do, because they are unaware of the hidden job market. 8. Meanwhile job hunters have been complaining that there is a shortage of jobs. 9. These millions of job hunters lead to a human result that everyone can understand. 10. Mani first-tim job hunter overlook thi kei point until it' too late. 11. In the process of seeking a job, the job hunter will vary his or her reliance on the relation network according to different opportunity clusters. 12. One common exception many firms make: A job hunter who is referred by an employee or other trusted source. 13. Please consider my application for a qualified job hunter . 14. For job hunter Toni Unrein, a former executive-level recruiter for Washington Mutual[.com], finding the time to research the companies that interested her was too time-consuming. 15. Myriad receptions and reunions could not disguise the bleak prospects for job hunters. 16. It's the basic requirement of a new resume for every job hunter.