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(1) Bettina: Deswegen verlie ? en wir ja nach zehn Minuten das Kino. (2) When compared with JA alone, JA treatment plus IAA, SA and ethephon respectively caused no significant change in laticifer differentiation. (3) Bravo Sport: Ihr seid ja auf der ganzen Welt unterwegs. (4) Based on this result, the effect of the JA accelerating agent on the cement setting time is analyzed under different water cement ratios, and the rules governing such effect are also presented. (5) Kim Hye - ja, who plays title role in'Mother,'took the award for best actress. (6) The relationship between the effect of exogenous jasmonic acid (JA) on the induction of secondary laticifer differentiation and the distribution of JA in the seedling of Hevea brasiliensis Mull. (7) Gro ? mutter : Ja , wir k ? nnen dann im Taxi die Tiere besichtigen ? (8) Bravo Sport : Lukas , du wurdest ja bei der WM 2006 zum besten Youngster des Turniers gew? hlt. (9) We are Sole Agent of WAN JA SHAN SAUCES in Singapore. (10) When applied to an extending stem, JA led to a significant increase in primary laticifer number, but induced no differentiation of secondary laticifers. (11) L. gmelinii seedlings were induced resistance by wounding. JA, MeJA, Z- jasmone and MeSA, which decreased the feeding selection of D. superman larvae. (12) Sofia : Das war ja ein toller Tag . Wie hie ? denn der Film, den ihr saht ? (13) L. gmelinii seedlings were induced resistance by wounding. JA, MeJA, Z- jasmone and MeSA, which decreased the feeding selection of D. superans larvae. (14) Na ja , egal , drei oder vier ist ungef ? hr das Gleiche. (15) Woman ( Geum Ja ? ): ( yelling ) Why don't you believe what I'm saying? (16) JA signal transduction pathway is one of the research focuses recently. (17) The high concentration of IAA, JA and GA can inhibit the bug's bourgeon, and control protein degradation. (18) The effect of exogenous JA and mechanical wounding on the induction of the secondary laticifer differentiation was limited to treated site where high level of JA was expected. (19) Bravo Sport : Lukas und Bastian, ihr h ? ttet ja fast das Sommerm? rchen wahr gemacht. (20) In the epicormic shoot stem which passed a growth season, the secondary laticifer differentiation of all the extension parts was accelerated by JA application. (21) Hydrogen peroxide ( H 2 O 2 ), Salicylic acid ( SA ), jasmonic acid ( JA ), ethylene ( ET ) and brassinolide ( BL ) play important roles in this network. (22) Allene oxide synthase ( AOS ) is a key enzyme for JA biosynthesis. (23) Der Dialog zwischen plebiszit? rer Masse und F ü hrerfigur istderamerikanischen Demokratie ja nicht fremd. (24) Further functional analysis of BER15 will broaden our knowledge of the interaction mechanism between brassinolide biosynthesis and JA signaling. (25) JA content in the leaves and the flower buds in male-sterile line was lower than its normal variety, as endogenous pollen bourgeon regulator, JA might restrain the bourgeon of pollen.