快好知 kuaihz

(1) Okay, Ron, which jokester changed the key on me? (2) He's known as a misogynist, a satirist, a jokester, an attention-seeking bad boy, a creep, an artistic genius, and a man with a history of addiction and abuse. (3) Had I been making the decision, the jokester would have been taken to the colonel's office, put at attention against the wall and screamed at until he sweated a shadow. (4) However, that's not to imply that you're simply a jokester. (5) In the intervening years he became something of a jokester and goofball. (6) I enjoyed Strongest Chil Woo most because I'm also a jokester like him. (7) Maybe you're a little shy in real life, but online you're a jokester and your avatar is a famous comedian. (8) Masayoshi Son, the leader of Japan's third-largest cellphone carrier, texts Shingo Katori, the group's youngest member known as the jokester of the crew, while on a trip to Shanghai.