快好知 kuaihz

1 Polly jerked upright, wild-eyed and blinking. 2 It was seldom spectacular, lacking the Van Gogh-like, wild-eyed artistry of Cunningham, but it worked. 3 There is a wild-eyed man whose face is completely tattooed. 4 And paint-splattered, wild-eyed Vincent, toting his easel like a crucifix and scarlet with the sun? 5 Wild-eyed, Jake struggled to get away. He immediately fell to the ground in pain. 6 A wild-eyed woman ran up to him, lifted and Obama sign above her head and screamed in his face, "Obama for president!" 7 Thorne makes a wild-eyed promise to the prettiest girl in the village, whose heart he hopes to win: that he will bring her back a fallen star. 8 New Jersey drivers are such wild-eyed road warriors they resent anyone who drives by the rules, including students. 9 Few things incite a frothing , wild-eyed rage like asking people to talk about bad bosses. 10 Here is the wild-eyed wraith of the engine room (Erwin Leder), who "cracks" during one crisis, then performs heroically in the next. 11 And around dusk every night, small gangs of 37)wild-eyed climbers, amateur geologists, and 38)gonzo tourists gather here. 12 Panting and wild-eyed, he paused to catch his breath, then smiled and handed me the half-empty plastic bottle of water I'd accidentally left in his store (where I 'd bought nothing). 13 Among the crowds and wild-eyed talking figures, the two of us drew close. 14 The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects. 15 I arrived at Skaftafell to find several groups of campers, all wild-eyed outdoor types, I suppose not unlike me. 16 And before him, upon an altar table, flanked by sword bearers, stood a tall wild-eyed figure. 17 She threw Carla from her and looked around her wild-eyed, like an animal seeking an escape route. 18 Computer scientists and software engineers avoided the term artificial intelligence for fear of being viewed as wild-eyed dreamers. 19 And even more incredible is the bar at the top of the mountain run by a long haired wild-eyed Barba, nicknamed after the Hollywood muscleman, John Claude Van Dam. 20 A former Best Buy employee, Newman would watch troves of wild-eyed shoppers kick, claw and scrape their way to holiday deals. 21 When a boy is playing football and suffers a really painful injury he might fall to the ground screaming, but a wild-eyed coach shouts, 'Get up! 22 Right-wing opponents of reform would have you believe that President Obama is a wild-eyed socialist, attacking the free market. 23 It contains little that could be described as news, just a load of cobbled together wild-eyed speculation. 24 Its founder, benefactor and guiding intelligence is David Walsh, a wild-eyed young Tasmanian multimillionaire. 25 Step Six: look in full- length bathroom mirror and behold angular, wild-eyed 6'1" ten-year-old Egon Schiele look- alike in clean shirt and funeral director suit. 26 Matthew was gone out the window, and a good thing, too, because Father slammed through the door in his nightshirt, wild-eyed and -haired, cedar rod from his workshop, thick as a branch, at the ready. 27 The Sergeant was suddenly transformed into a shouting, barking, wild-eyed looking creature. 28 It is not easy to compose, however, because "most entrepreneurs are wild-eyed optimists". 29 Rose and Galen were nearly knocked from the path when a riderless, wild-eyed horse galloped by.