快好知 kuaihz

1. The horse clip-clopped along on the beach. 2. The clip-clop of a hoof came almost like a gunshot in the quiet which followed. 3. A clip-clop of a horse a horse from far and near, horseback sat a handsome youth. 4. Along streets resonant with the clip-clop of horses' hoofs and the squeak of bicycles, life moves at a pace from decades past. 5. The clip-clop of horses' hooves came closer and stopped right in front of the inn. 6. But the car comes equipped with the clip-clop sound of horse hooves hitting the pavement to alert pedestrians and other drivers. 7. " Such as the "devil" in the clip-clop, "Gresham spinning wheel next to" Voice of the spinning wheel, "trout" in the voice stream and the fish posture, such as travel. 8. He heard the clip-clop of horse's feet and the rumble of wagon wheels. 9. Outside the house, the soft rumble of wheels and the clip-clop of hooves echo through the still night.