快好知 kuaihz

(1) I felt duty-bound to help him. (2) I'm duty-bound to help him. (3) In the traditional Hindu family, the son is duty-bound to look after his mother. (4) We are duty-bound to search, question, open our minds. (5) Television news personnel feel duty-bound, in times of social and political crisis, to project a pro-establishment view of industrial conflict. (6) Helping others is duty-bound responsibility. (7) Schools are duty-bound to prevent and check campus crimes. (8) Soon, the guests and the duty-bound ladies are doing the Conga , and hearts (so our teller claims) are "melting". (9) The duty-bound promise, though only taking root in the pure soil of my heart quietly, has always been my motive power to strive. (10) Any responsible government is duty-bound to combat cults in accordance with law. (11) Only duty-bound to open all of the United States focused on the moment you enjoy. (13) We are duty-bound to clear up this issue, which lies heavy upon the breast of France. (14) Therefore, it is the duty-bound for libraries to comprehensively prevent infectious diseases, and to create a healthy and comfortable environment for study and work. (15) But she felt duty-bound to try to earn a living and speak out, whereas most victims dare not show themselves. (16) She pictured the man stamping down through his pub, irate and duty-bound. (17) After his decided break from lethargy, imagination returned to him and he felt duty-bound to purse a new purpose with enthusiasm: an abundance of immortal poems followed. (18) As a theorist, suggests plans for this project, we are duty-bound. (19) At the same time, in the face of the security issues of e-commerce, government departments, enterprises and research organizations to develop security technology unit, which is duty-bound. (20) You've been promising the audience that end point from the beginning, so you're duty-bound to go there when you end it. (21) People have fixed abode, to live, work and social prosperity and stability, but also duty-bound duties. (22) Does not use the worry, in this decision destiny time, in order to defend and saves us the common homeland Earth, anybody all should be duty-bound , bounden! (23) Reducing the regional differences to promote the balanced and coordinated development of the regional libraries is the duty-bound responsibility of the whole society, especially the library staff. (24) The community development level reflects the harmonious degree of city social develop in the whole. In community construction , government should be duty-bound to lend support to community . (25) Extensively collecting the local documents of Linchuan is the duty-bound responsibility of our library, is also an important, long-term and arduous task in collected books construction. (26) Geography as a basic education in one of the subjects, but also duty-bound to be the purposes of teacher-student interaction in the classroom teaching. (27) A "better and richer and fuller" life was no longer just what America promised its hardworking citizens individually; it was an ideal toward which these citizens were duty-bound to strive together. (28) Vocational colleges, the most direct and effective load-bearing of vocational education, are duty-bound to take up the great historical mission of developing human resources in rural areas.