快好知 kuaihz

salary increase造句
1. On the strength of my forthcoming salary increase, I have decided to buy a better car. 2. The firm should concede a significant salary increase to its employees. 3. An 8% salary increase is not to be sniffed at. 4. I've heard no mention of a salary increase this year. 5. The decision of the Tribunal is that a salary increase of 1.69% should apply for 12 months from 1st March 1993. 6. That means we're overdue for a salary increase in many districts. 7. Don't count on a salary increase this year, ie You may not get one. 8. Is the program geared to a fixed salary increase schedule? 9. The government hopes to hold salary increase to 3 %. 10. Recommend salary increase and job status changes based on their performance. 11. This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living. 12. Claims for a twenty percent salary increase are likely to fall on deaf ears. 13. Every year I ask salary increase but never get one. 14. Finally, soldiers were given a salary increase of 20,000 kyat [US $27] and given an allowance for fresh food. 14.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 15. I had a chat with my boss today about a possible salary increase. 16. He asked me, in a roundabout way, if he could have a salary increase. 17. Also included in the budget was a 103 percent general salary increase for workers. 18. He doesn't believe that extra money motivates, whether that money be a bonus, profit sharing or a salary increase. 19. the disproportion between the extra responsibilities and the small salary increase. 20. Judging from the type of business, state - owned enterprises salary increase rate of the first rank. 21. Less than half of this year's respondents (43%) reported receiving a salary increase, down from 70% in the prior year.