快好知 kuaihz

1 Here are petechial hemorrhages seen on the epicardium of the heart. 2 The monophasic action potentials (MAP) of epicardium (Epi), midmyocardium (Mid) and endocardium (Endo) were recorded simultaneously in left ventricular free wall in vivo by a compound electrode. 3 Autologous bone marrow MNCs were injected via the epicardium into the infarcted area in the latter two groups at 1 and 2 weeks after the infarction, respectively. 4 Seen over the surface of the epicardium are pale white-tan nodules of metastatic tumor. 5 These ganglia mainly lie under the epicardium and in coronary sulcus. 6 Objective To investigate the relationship between epicardium adipose thickness and the severity of coronary artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease. 7 One water sac was placed on the epicardium and the exploration was performed by the detecting head on the water sac. 8 It demonstrated the procedure of radiofrequency ablating the epicardium could be a practicable treatment for AF. 9 These recults indicate that body surface ECG reflects the changes of Q and R waves on the epicardium with some limitation. 10 The transverse fibers began to appear in the middle and inferior segments of CT near epicardium. 11 Apoptosis mainly occurs in the nonmyocardial compartment of the embryonic heart, a compartment that consists of cells derived from the endocardium,[www.] the epicardium and the neural crest. 12 Over the other surface of the heart lies another layer of connective tissue, the epicardium. 13 The main artery centerlines are first extracted from two successive images and then the motion parameters of artery and related epicardium are computed along these centerlines. 14 For a long time, it was thought that the epicardium was a derivative of the outermost layer of the primitive myocardium of the early embryonic heart tube. 15 Conclusions: Repolarization gradients exist over the swine left ventricular epicardium in normal state. 16 The sino-atrial node is situated at the junction between the atrium proper and the sinus venarum of the fight atrium, inclined to the wall of the sinus venarum and covered only with the epicardium. 17 There are rich microvilli on the surface of epithelial cells in the epicardium . 18 The sock we designed is extremely, compliant and elastic, making it possible for the electrodes to make satisfactory contact with the epicardium. 19 Only a small number of these cells are distributed in the atria, the ventricles, and the epicardium .