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old style造句
1. The old style, however, persisted. 2. Old style hardware manufacturers have suffered. 3. They want a return to the old style system of independent assessors for every match. 4. It does not arise from the old style but in opposition to it. 5. This was the time when the old style of gabled manor was feeling the first breath of classical ideas. 6. It was the closure of a good, old style joinery firm and there were some very good machines to be had. 7. There's a case for bringing back those old style Tory values. 8. Restoring old chairs and weaving new old style traditional chairs is an art in itself. 9. Old style textile protectionism suddenly has a new look. 10. Festooned doors are commonly seen in old style courtyards. 11. I don't get very excited about old style houses. 12. The villa is famous for its old style. 13. As John Adams embodied the old style Andrew Jackson embodied the new. 14. Telecommuting raises a challenge to the old style of working in office. 15. An old style squat toilet found in Tai Wo Hau Factory Building, Hong Kong. 16. The combination of old style stateliness with action and wild accessories lend an interesting duality to these characters. 17. Make sure that you have an old style text version of your globals on every page. 18. This error can be caused by using the old style for the formal parameter list. 19. The Professor : I believe that the old style of opera was the pinnacle of art. 20. The result was predictable: the briefers stopped attacking ministers and others in the old style. 21. She encouraged Jett to shout Micky down and go back to their old style. 22. The blank face will serve the same purpose as old style screens. 23. The Icelander asks to be allowed to compose an epic poem in the old style about how cruelly he is being treated and about how great Iceland is. 24. Although the Bolsheviks took control over October 25-26, 1917, this was under the Old Style calendar. 25. If not, migration looks exactly like a failover test because the failback technique replaces the old style backout plan. 26. The brown - panelled parlour was furnished all in old style. and with real old furniture. 27. This coexistence is of great significance to form and perfect the new style, to reconstruct of the old style, and to promote the literary composition in rhyme in the long run.