快好知 kuaihz

1 There was a sweetish smell, vaguely reminiscent of coffee. 2 The white has vaguely sweetish, Gewurztraminer-like aroma and flavor and is also very mild and light on the palate. 3 A colourless liquid with a Bland , sweetish odour, it is toxic and caustic. 4 But the liquid spreading rapidly on the pretty floral sheets wasn't the sweetish, colourless amniotic fluid. 5 The Jiangsu cooking style is known for its wide variety of ingredients and sweetish flavors. 6 I recall the scent of some kind of toilet powder — I believe she stole it from her mother's Spanish maid — a sweetish, lowly, musky perfume. 7 The longer the wine has been stored, the more sweetish and mellow it tastes. 8 Carbolic acid( or phenol ):Organic compound, simplest member of the class of phenols. A colourless liquid with a Bland, sweetish odour, it is toxic and caustic. 9 They say Longjing tea is pure and fragrant and has a sweetish and mellow taste.