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1, The custom of carving jack-o'-lanterns can be traced back to an old Irish folk tale. 2, Hey, let's go carve a jack-o'-lantern! 3, Let 's make a jack-o'-lantern! 4, Do you want to help me make a jack-o'-lantern? 5, These jack-o'-lantern waste products are the most nutritious part of the pumpkin. 6, A jack-o'-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. 7, Anyone needing a last - minute jack-o'-lantern can turn to this guy. He ' s Stephen Clarke, and earlier today he broke the world record for carving the most pumpkins in an hour. 8, Anyone needing a last-minute jack-o'-lantern can turn to this guy. 9, The Halloween jack-o'-lantern is made out of an orange colored pumpkin. 10, Stress Casper the Friendly Ghost, the "silly" old jack-o'-lantern, the poor, lonely old witch. 11, Carving a pumpkin into a Jack-O'-Lantern freehand is very easy and only takes a few basic tools. 12, Jack-o'-lantern is typically a carved pumpkin with an image of a monstrous or comical face on the outside surface. jack-o'-lanterns illuminate from within by candles. 13, The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o'-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern." 14, Also, plain white candles give off the most light and will illuminate the inside of your Jack-O'-Lantern the best. 15, He spends the summer watching it grow and grow and grow... until it's finally the perfect size for a Halloween jack-o'-lantern. 16, Today let me show you some simple instructions to carve a traditional Jack-o'-lantern. 17, This car is for real Cinderellas. But don't forget: in the midnight your vehicle will turn into jack-o'-lantern. 18, He said the pumpkin could make roughly 600 pumpkin pies but instead will be displayed in a parade in Half Moon Bay this coming weekend, then carved into a jack-o'-lantern for Halloween. 19, Tomorrow is Halloween. I know I'm ready. I bought two pumpkins and a big bag of candy. Do you want to help me make a jack-o'-lantern?