快好知 kuaihz

1 Some of the patients are a bit doddery. 2 She appears quite doddery. 3 "I believe the Prime Minister is getting very doddery, " she said. 4 Her mother dismisses Mr Howard as " doddery " and out of touch with what 13 and 14-year-old girls are like. 5 In the West, in Europe and America, the big economic story is a demographic one — a rapidly ageing population and a dwindling tax take with which to support our increasingly doddery citizens. 6 In his public appearances he has seemed fit , if doddery and occasionally forgetful. 7 When most people look at pictures of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, they see the sweet, doddery grandmother-of-the-nation. 8 It is fashionable to say they are swivel-eyed or doddery. 9 Finally, the Obama campaign suggests that the 72-year-old Mr McCain is too doddery to understand the doohickeys that modern bankers use.