快好知 kuaihz

close ranks造句
1. In times of crisis party members should close ranks. 2. British society tended to ossify and close ranks as the 1930s drew to their close. 3. Institutions tend to close ranks when a member has been accused of misconduct. 4. He called for the Lebanese to close ranks behind his government. 5. Instead they seem to close ranks against any criticism and label it persecution. 6. Those who want to close ranks in this fashion will find themselves very lonely, however. 7. President Nixon's staff were instructed to close ranks in response to the Watergate arrests. 8. We must close ranks with them because we talk the same language. 9. The male mafia will close ranks and deem such a woman unstable, neurotic and quite unsuitable for responsibility. 10. We should close ranks to do the job. 11. If they're criticized, they tend to close ranks. 12. The government call on the people to close ranks against the enemy. 13. If they were doing well, they would close ranks despite disagreements. 14. The chairman called on the people to close ranks against the enemy. 15. All Americans know how to close ranks in their national interest. 16. What happens in this situation has been well documented: Each group becomes more cohesive, as members close ranks. 17. She allies herself with Sarah, and rejects the men, who instantly close ranks against her. 18. So once more I could with an appeal to you to close ranks with us. 19. The only way for a country to be powerful is to close ranks among its citizens. 20. When plagiarism is exposed, colleagues and school leaders often close ranks around the accused. 21. Conservative MPs intend to put aside their differences over Europe and close ranks behind the Prime Minister.