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born again造句
1, Repent, believe, be born again. 2, This is being born again to a new hope. 3, The fundamentalists are saying, work hard, be born again, you can go to heaven. 4, You are born again, said the woman who had given me my wedding gown. 5, Moorcock was undressing like a born again naturist, selling off anything from ouija boards to weapons systems. 6, I feel as if I had been born again. 7, Any minute now I will be born again! 8, In 1987, Kirk Cameron became a born again Christian. 9, Man, you must be born again. 10, We must, as it were , be born again to a new life in Christ. 11, We must all be born again and yet again and again. 12, Just ask any professing born again believer how they know that Jesus rose from the dead? 13, If I were to be born again, I would like to be a bird. 14, Tooth flesh red painful, be born again left a few humble this, except Zun Yinliang tea can fall next D fire, does intermediate have baa method immediateness effective Ga?Urgent! 15, How can I be born again and receive the Holy Spirit? 16, When we become a born again Christian we are forgiven, holy and pure in God's sight. 17, A born again Christian ( and only a born again Christian ) is honest about his sin. 18, Each day is new, and each day I am born again. 19, Then when I die, I can not enter her body to be born again. 20, The gift of becoming sons or daughters does not come through our being born, but through our being born again. 21, Nevertheless, real estate developers passionately promoted moving to Los Angeles as the secular equivalent of being born again. 22, The ability to disappear and reappear, to die and to be born again. 23, And it is in dying that we are now born again. 24, Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again. 25, Choosing resign will give me a new chance of born again, and have a new life. 26, Pentecostals are most akin to Evangelicals in their emphasis on being born again. 27, Every evening , I died and every evening, I was born again. Resurrected. 28, Mr Bush is a convert to an evangelical Christianity that emphasises emotion—particularly the intensely emotional experience of being born again—over ratiocination.