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quantum computer造句
(1) In 1985 the company was reborn as Quantum Computer Services. (2) A quantum computer can factor the number 15. (3) QNC is a Environment for developing quantum computer simulations. (4) A quantum computer would use entangled qubits to process information. (5) Along with the academic research of quantum computer more lucubrate, the theory of quantum state Nonlocality becomes increasingly important, especially how to measure the magnitude of Nonlocality. (6) Quantum Computer Services, now AOL, introduces America Online service for Macintosh and Apple II computers, beginning an expansion that would connect nearly 27 million Americans online by 2002. (7) So when will the first scalable quantum computer be built? (8) And if it's a probability function, then our quantum computer can handle it. (9) In the future quantum computer, erasure is necessary for the renewed resources. (10) Simulating a quantum computer on a traditional classical computer is a hard problem. (11) And a good quantum computer would need more than two circuits. (12) He cautions, though, that a good quantum computer is a long way off. (13) And the development of a silicon based "quantum computer" may be only just over the horizon. (14) A working quantum computer of sufficient power could calculate factors in parallel and then provide the most likely answer in just a few moments. (15) A quantum computer could perform certain computations much more efficient than its classical counterpart by exploiting the superposition principle and the interferences of quantum mechanics. (16) A quantum computer allows for more efficient solution of some problems, for instance, the unsorted database search problem and the prime-factorization problem. (17) Understanding the interactions between individual light particles - photons - and atoms is crucial for the development of a quantum computer. (18) Now, Elena Kuznetsova, a post-doctoral researcher in UConn's Department of Physics, has proposed a new type of quantum computer that could bring the technology one step closer to becoming a reality. (19) FLATOW: And there are a lot of people who want to isolate atoms, and the idea is to, you know, think about hooking the atoms together to make devices, maybe a quantum computer. (20) The huge number of choices—at least 10120 vacua —seemed to demand vast computational power, perhaps even a quantum computer. (21) "We've made a very simple quantum processor, " he says. "It's by no means a quantum computer." (22) DeMille says that, ultimately, the molecules could be used in a quantum computer. (23) The team also used its design to perform a mathematical operation that underlies to the algorithm with which a quantum computer might crack complex data encryption. (24) In a conventional computer, a bit can represent either 1 or 0 at any time. Thanks to the quirks of quantum mechanics, the equivalent in a quantum computer, a qubit, can represent both values at once. (25) However, non-traditional computer may not be astricted by these laws, for example, the recently springing-up quantum computer.