快好知 kuaihz

designated driver造句
(1) Who's going to be the designated driver tonight? (2) I was the designated driver, they drank too much and on the way home hooked up in the back seat. (3) Translation: We will be your designated driver and get you home lest we let you crash the car. (4) If you're the designated driver, or just abstaining, here's a non-alcoholic drink you could sip all night long: seltzer water mixed with a bit of 100 percent fruit juice. (5) Is it really so bad to be the designated driver, or to stop drinking a couple of hours before everyone else? (6) Be safe. Take a cab or hire a designated driver. (7) No, I won't be drinking tonight because I am the designated driver. Just give my glass of wine to the designated drunk. (8) If there's going to be drinking, decide on a designated driver beforehand; this one is really that simple. (9) After you finish watching the Indy 500 this Sunday, you may want to have your designated driver take you home. (10) But now he joins in when it's necessary for business reasons and often talks and jokes about his abstinence -- and he volunteers to be the designated driver now and then as well.