快好知 kuaihz

1. They accepted her claim that she had been ill-treated. 2. The animals had been grossly ill-treated. 3. Social workers claimed the children were being ill-treated. 4. They thought Mr Smith had been ill-treating his wife. 5. The girl was ill-treated by her father. 6. The child has been ill-treated in the orphan house. 7. He is accused of consistently and callously ill-treating his wife. 8. We certainly weren't ill-treated. 9. There's nothing worse than for a parent to ill-treat a child. 10. The animals had been ill-treated by their owner. 11. Ill-treated hobgoblins can cause strife and discord, though, souring milk, tangling clothes and muddying floors for spite. 12. A slave might not be ill-treated or subjected to undue hardship. 13. Webb said the three men had not been ill-treated in any way. 14. How can you ill-treat your wife like that? 15. People must not ill-treat animals. 16. We should not ill-treat animals. 16.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 17. They only ill-treat each other in reason. Each admits the other side to have feelings. 18. We shouldn't ill-treat animals. 19. Those who ill-treat animals in the past or in this present life will meet with many sicknesses in life. 20. There's nothing worse than for a person to ill-treat a child. 21. It is prohibited to scold and beat, to ill-treat or to insult the people who violate the peace and order regulations. 22. The court heard how the child had been severely ill-treated by his parents. 23. Most mahouts, though sadly not all, value their elephants too highly to ill-treat them. 24. Civilians and members of security and paramilitary forces are also reported to have been physically ill-treated after being captured or detained. 25. The two men were held in military custody, incommunicado, for some time and are believed to have been ill-treated. 26. She would pray God to give her back her boy, and promise she would never, never ill-treat him any more. 27. It's terrible! What a studying group it was. It's nothing but a camp to ill-treat children! 28. The legal rights of senior citizens are protected by law; It is forbidden to abuse, insult, slander , ill-treat or abandon them.