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anaerobic exercise造句
1. Human Physiology: What Is Anaerobic Exercise? 2. Wind sprints are an anaerobic exercise. 3. What Is Anaerobic Exercise? 4. In anaerobic exercise, increase of lactic acid and hydrogen ion lead to exercise-induced fatigue and the lower ability of physical activity in a short time. 5. Anaerobic exercise burns glycogen as its primary fuel, while causing the body to store fat. 6. In order to supply the immediate demand for blood that anaerobic exercise requires for the muscles that need it most, your body shunts blood from critical organs like your liver and kidneys. 7. If you have not yet built an aerobic base, then all of your anaerobic exercise is at the expense of endurance. 8. A combination of taiji's gentle and wushu's vigorous movements, Taji Gongfu fan provides the benefits of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. 9. Since your nervous system demands the use of two-thirds of your blood sugar, the deficit created by anaerobic exercise can cause neuromuscular problems like headaches or disorientation. 10. The study tries to offer some theoretical evidence for the application of the L-town in enhancing aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacity.