快好知 kuaihz

1 Strictly speaking, therefore, impalement and the use of an escutcheon of pretence is marshalling at its simplest. 2 An impatient, callous thrust which ended in her impalement to the hilt. 3 Target girl is a term sometimes used in circus and vaudeville to denote a female assistant in "impalement" acts such as knife throwing, archery or sharpshooting. 4 Impalement as a method of execution involves a person being pierced with a long stake. 5 In some forms of impalement, the stake would be inserted so as to avoid immediate death, and would function as a plug to prevent blood loss. 6 This method of impalement by lance is also evident in both "The Prophecy" and "Bram Stoker's Dracula" where in each movie we see a scene in which hundreds are impaled in the same upright manner. 7 The assistant stands in front of a target board or is strapped to a moving board and the impalement artist throws knives or shoots projectiles so as to hit the board but miss the assistant. 8 Background: Correct central venous catheter (CVC) insertion avoids serious complications,[www.] especially fatal intracardiac impalement. 9 Often, the victim was hoisted into the air after partial impalement. 10 Perhaps one of the most noteworthy forms of Japanese entertainment was the impalement of vaginas.