快好知 kuaihz

1. The lift-off was delayed about seven minutes. 2. Five, four, three, two, one, zero. We have lift-off! 3. The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off. 4. Ten minutes to lift-off. 5. Lift-off is always the moment of truth for a new rocket. 6. Lift-off is set for 10:55 a.m. 7. Its lift on, lift-off operations there will now also be spread across two container terminals and an inland storage site. 8. It is shown that lift-off of the eddy current sensor relative to the part under evaluation induces similar straight lines in the normalized impedance plane by computation. 9. The Discovery lift-off is planned to be the penultimate launch before the shuttle fleet retires early next year. 10. A similar lift-off happens on "10 Mile Stereo", when the song shifts from its deliberate opening bars to its rushing and noisy main section that's as close as Beach House have come to true shoegaze. 11. Jonny Dymond witnessed the historic lift-off from the Kennedy Space Center. 12. I did a quick equipment check, like an astronaut preparing for lift-off. 13. Iranian television showed the rocket on its desert launch pad, but did not show the actual lift-off . Few details were available about the rocket or its payload. 14. Although conditions have been "green" all morning, meteorologists are concerned that shower clouds, and even storms, could bubble up just at the moment of lift-off. 15. If everything else goes well, Discovery should be moved to launch pad on 21 September and ready for lift-off on 1 November. 16. The United News of India (UNI) said the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) veered from its intended flight-path and disintegrated seconds after lift-off. 17. The piece of foam insulation that's got NASA officials concerned is a small piece that flew off Discovery's external fuel tank moments after lift-off Tuesday. 18. At the time, the newspaper quoted CALT Vice President Liang Xiaohong as saying that the total lift-off thrust of the future heavy launcher would be 3, 000 tonnes. 19. The launch was delayed three minutes when a range safety computer shut down before the planned 4:50pm. EST (2150 GMT) lift-off. 20. Will there be a space flight tonight? NASA officials are hoping to launch Space Shuttle Discovery this evening, but a windy forecast threatens the lift-off. 21. Japan faced an embarrassing failure in November 2003, when it had to destroy a rocket carrying a spy satellite 10 minutes after lift-off because a booster failed to separate. 22. Indeed we have had successfully remove sapphire substrate by mechanical lift-off to develop the large area lift-off by HIP structure. 23. An earlier investigation found Columbia broke up as a result of damage sustained when a chunk of fuel-tank insulating foam smashed into its left wing during lift-off two weeks earlier. 24. In July, an Indian rocket successfully put five satellites into orbit, three months after the country's space ambitions suffered a setback when a rocket crashed on lift-off. 25. The important point about Falcon 9, so called because its lift-off is propelled by nine of SpaceX's proprietary Merlin rocket motors, is that it is powerful enough to put people into orbit. 26. In 1986, after the failure of a gasket in one of its booster rockets, the shuttle Challenger disintegrated in mid-air shortly after lift-off, killing its crew of seven. 27. The orbiting Discovery crew on the way Sunday to rewire the International Space Station first had to make sure the shuttle's heat shield(heatshield) wasn't damaged during lift-off. 28. In February, a Nasa satellite carrying instruments to produce the first map of the Earth's carbon emissions crashed near Antarctica only three minutes after lift-off.