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out-of-court settlement造句
(1) Lawyers are seeking an out-of-court settlement. (2) She accepted an out-of-court settlement of £4,000. (3) They reached an out-of-court settlement. (4) He received an out-of-court settlement last year. (5) South Yorkshire police yesterday awarded Mr Long an out-of-court settlement before the case reached Sheffield high court. (6) But Education Department lawyers made the out-of-court settlement and agreed to pay his £12,000 costs. (7) An amicable out-of-court settlement is always the best and least expensive way to settle a dispute. (8) Infringements can be dealt with by an out-of-court settlement or if necessary by civil proceedings. (9) The advantages of trying to obtain an out-of-court settlement at a relatively early stage in the proceedings are therefore obvious. (10) The army denied liability but agreed on an out-of-court settlement. (11) They are hoping to reach an out-of-court settlement. (12) In April, Google reached an out-of-court settlement with a US policy group over its rollout of Google Buzz, a previous social effort. (13) In 1994 the singer reached an out-of-court settlement with the family of an 11-year-old boy. (14) Out-of-court settlement is specially appropriate as applied to disputes that are resolved instituting litigation. (15) UBS and the US government yesterday agreed an out-of-court settlement to resolve one of the most bitter assaults on Switzerland's hallowed bank secrecy. (16) Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement. (17) The company paid out over $10 million in an out-of-court settlement . (18) The women, who were on legal aid, were offered an out-of-court settlement which would have barely covered their legal fees. (19) Speaking in a teleconference with the judge presiding over the case, Gibson asked for the trial to be delayed another week to give negotiators time to strike a definitive out-of-court settlement. (20) The court ruling over bail comes as union officials say that management of Collum is in secret talks with families of the victims for an out-of-court settlement. (22) In his opening statement to the committee Coulson also said he was unaware the paper's publisher, News International, had reached an out-of-court settlement with Gordon Taylor. (23) Liu said the parents were hoping to hurt the dairy producer that sold them contaminated milk, but accepted that an out-of-court settlement might also ensue. (24) He said he had 'no intention' of negotiating an out-of-court settlement. (25) It goes against the general trend towards counselling, mediation and out-of-court settlement. (26) But, she did point to a 2009 story in the Guardian newspaper about an out-of-court settlement with an alleged phone-hack victim.