快好知 kuaihz

1) The apartment was spick and span. 2) Their house is always spick and span. 3) They always keep their kitchen spick and span. 4) The boss likes everything spick and span in the office. 5) Everything was spick and span. 6) She always keeps her kitchen spick and span. 7) My mother always keeps our house spick and span. 8) Only for the money men and laughter, spick - and - span appearance and charm,[http:///spick.html] heart scarred. 9) It was the personification of the old term spick and span. 10) Keep every inch of your floor spick and span, this includes backstairs and exit doors. 11) Harry always makes sure he looks spick and span before he goes to meet anyone. 12) Though simply furnished, the rooms were spick - and - span. 13) The council spends a lot of money keeping the town spick and span. 14) She could certainly be tidier around the apartment, which is usually so spick and span when she arrives.