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cassette recorder造句
1 Put another cassette in the cassette recorder. 2 He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder. 3 I think I've broken your cassette recorder. 4 Put a new cassette in the cassette recorder to see whether it works normally. 5 Whacks a tape into the cassette recorder. 6 Earlier this year, I set my cassette recorder to tape Bach's Magnificat in D from an original recording. 7 We have no double cassette recorder on sale today. 8 The cassette recorder is a present for my daughter. 9 Re - recording from a portable dictaphone or cassette recorder. 10 I've got a long lens Pentax and a cassette recorder. 11 The Rotating Head Digital Cassette Recorder is a new generation of High Density Digital Recorder( H DDR). There arc many advantages. such as compactness. light. and high tape-usage factor etc. 12 Use of a microcomputer connected with a video cassette recorder and a stroboscope, and the technology of graph process lead to more accurate diagnosis of laryngeal diseases. 13 The new double - cassette recorder was a hot number in the shop. 14 From the rattles and clunks it's difficult to tell what's happening, but I switch on the cassette recorder in case. 15 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder. 16 Due to high bandwidth resource requirement, how to support the digital video cassette recorder (VCR) functionality is a key problem in practical video on demand(VOD) systems. 17 Not for circulation: newspaper, periodical, reference book, cyclopaedia , CD - ROM and video cassette recorder. 18 It is widely used in mini-radiostation, moobilecommunication, pager, interphone, CTV, video cassette recorder, remote control unit, telephone, electric clock , VCD, DVD, computer,[www.] ect . 19 They have dinner together. Perhaps they watch a movie on a video cassette recorder. 20 It'specializes in the selling of pickup CCTV hardcore module cassette recorder and other assistant equipments.