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1. Objective To improve the MRI diagnosis of Postoperative discitis. 2. OBJECTIVE: To construct discitis animal model by destroying the fibrous ring and the cartilage lamina through the surgery, in addition, to explore the changes of autoimmune reaction. 3. OBJECTIVE To investigate the prevention of discitis in interventional treatment of intervertebral disk protrusion. 4. RESULTS There were no discitis in 232 cases who had variable treatment effect. 5. Discitis animal model can be established by using the anterior external surgery to destroy the fibrous ring and the cartilage lamina. 6. Aim:To analyse the causes of postoperative intervertebral discitis of lumbar spine and search for prevention and cure method. 7. Different treating methods brings about different results to discitis . 8. Secondary spondylodiscitis is often referred to as post-operative discitis, spinal surgery is a serious complication. 9. Discitis involving disk, end plate and adjacent vertebrae which is caused by multiple infecting organisms. 10. Objective To evaluate MRI in the diagnosis of postoperative intervertebral discitis. 11. Methods The MRI findings were studied retrospectively in 7 cases with discitis proven by pathology and clinic. 12. Objective This is a report about a new micro - trauma method in treatment of discitis. 13. Objective To evaluate the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment strategy of discitis after lumbar disc surgery. 14. Objective To probe into the causes, symptoms and treating methods of discitis. 15. Conclusion The Low field MRI is avery useful procedure to diagnose the postoperative discitis and can demonstrate the complications such as epidural abscess or arachnoiditis./discitis.html 16. Objective:In order to improve the diagnosis and treatment for intervertebral discitis. 17. Objective: To discuss the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of postoperative discitis. 18. The spondylodiscitis model was steady and the inflamaition was evident. it may be applied as an experimental model similar to the discitis of human on pathology, surgery and medication. 19. Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of postoperative intervertebral discitis of lumbar intervertebral disk herniation. 20. An SEA can result through hematogenous spread or from direct extention of adjacent discitis or osteomyelitis.