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placebo effect造句
1 Medicine has generally regarded the placebo effect as a nuisance: it does make research on new medical drugs very difficult. 2 However, you then have another problem called the placebo effect. 3 Placebo effect effect of taking a placebo. 4 Improvement After Arthroscopy: The Placebo Effect? 5 Is this the placebo effect? 6 How come they didn't trigger a placebo effect? 7 The placebo effect can be understood only if we acknowledge the unity of mind and body. 8 The placebo effect refers to all the observable behaviors caused by placebo. 9 For drug companies, the placebo effect can pose an obstacle to profits--if their medications fail to outperform placebos in clinical trials,[www.] they won't get approved by the FDA. 10 She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that's the placebo effect. 11 With diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, it is less obvious how the placebo effect works. 12 It also hints at a possible biochemical mechanism for the placebo effect, exhibited by about 30% of arthritis sufferers. 13 Horne has his doubts about such treatment, citing a possible placebo effect.