快好知 kuaihz

1. Yul listened to their sophisticated, rapid-fire conversation. 2. Their rapid-fire bravado masked economic and social insecurities. 3. Connecticut coach Jim Calhoun, who speaks in rapid-fire spurts, knew he also had to think fast. 4. The next fifteen minutes are spent on the rapid-fire give and take that only another teenager could understand. 5. The new ships will have two sets of rapid-fire radar-controlled multi-barrel guns to shoot down missiles. 6. He talks about them non-stop, rapid-fire, revealing a depth of knowledge that contradicts the simplicity of the subject. 7. Ramqvist says such rapid-fire development campaigns will be essential to Ericsson's future success in crucial areas such as asynchronous switching and lighter mobile phones. 8. But radical and rapid-fire growth often happens when you have freedom to try new things. 9. Each time he uses a light or a rapid-fire heavy weapon he gets a 30% bonus to accuracy and 10% to inflicted damage. 10. The company made a rapid-fire series of settlements with 25 States. 11. found that jarring, rapid-fire visual storytelling produced a physiological arousal led to better recall of what was seen, but only if the original subject matter was dull. 12. To learn how rapid-fire duck penises affect their reproductive evolution. 13. When you just enter fake copy in rapid-fire fashion, you don't know what it really feels like to fill out that form. 14. The study's authors suggest that the rapid-fire production of many television programs can affect how children's brains develop. 15. In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun. 16. I had no idea what my boss was ordering in rapid-fire requests to the busy chefs, and his translations were indecipherable. 16.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 17. Sometimes they fall over one another, like shots from a rapid-fire camera. 18. It's a great (and very simple) way of creating a rapid-fire prototype. 19. Sporting a tuxedo and a white bow tie, Zhou, 43, a stand-up comedian, delivers rapid-fire jokes, mostly about life in Shanghai. 20. As I say, I'm going to quote three, more or less rapid-fire. 21. There's another type of intelligence that comes not from rapid-fire pattern recognition but from slowly ingesting and retaining a lifetime's worth of facts. 22. Because a flash of lightning is actually multiple strokes that occur in a fraction of a second, time exposure photographs like this best capture these rapid-fire displays. 23. Pacquiao jumped back in close with Linares and let go with a series of rapid-fire blows that forced the sharp-shooter into the ropes once more. 24. Unlike slower-paced videogames that feature problems with specific solutions, action videogames throw a rapid-fire series of unpredictable threats and challenges at players. 25. Yet the producers have wisely focused on the strengths of the two stars: Tucker's hilarious, rapid-fire jive-talk, and Chan's nimble derring-do in tight spaces and high places. 26. What's more, Facebook may not be able to keep up the momentum of its rapid-fire growth because social-networking aficionados are notoriously fickle. 27. Like others, Mr. Furie suggests that one of the reasons there are so many rapid-fire cuts in today's movies is that editing software has made them so simple to do. 28. From a single stamper, Arvato can make tens of thousands of copies on large, rapid-fire presses. 29. A conversation about the weather isn't idle banter; it's the rapid-fire exchange of the human protocol.