快好知 kuaihz

1 There is no separating stream; no ferryboat, no ferryman; no Buddhism, no Buddha. 2 The ferryman was Charon and those he would not admit to his boat were the unfortunates who had not been duly buried. 3 The ferryman asked the boy why he had to row back and forth and could never be set free. 4 Only the ferryman on the Oban/Lismore boat knew that I was aiming for the northern ferry to mainland Port Appin. 5 We embark, the ferryman hands us an oar,[www.] and the craft moves out from the dock. 6 One night a young ferryman scoffed at their fears and rowed across. 7 He shouted to the ferryman as loud as he could, "Hey, ferryman , come here, we want to cross the river." 8 As his voice ended, the ferryman came to fetch them. 9 From Buffalo, the party drove three miles to Black Rock on the Niagara where they waited an hour for a ferryman. 10 The ferry boat is rusty and old, like the ferryman. 11 Of course, when the king asked for passage, the ferryman handed him the oars. 12 No, but the other poor wretch did, and the ferryman remembers when. 13 He shortly arrived at the river Neman, and asked the ferryman if many deserters had passed that way. 14 My mind standing on the brink called out, as it were, with an eager waving of hands to the ferryman sailing away across the waves to the other side. For Life longed to start on life's journey. 15 Otherwise I couldn't heard facial muscles of the Styx ferryman twisting... 16 If while crossing a ferry you can catch a fish you are a lucky man, but that does not make the ferry boat a fishing boat, nor should you abuse the ferryman if he does not make fishing his business. 17 Can't wait to start our journey as coach, the role of ferryman in this world in my mind :) talk soon.