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1. Stegosaurus was one of the many plant-eating dinosaurs. 2. But its larger-than-expected size for its family, and plant-eating teeth, suggest that such archosaurs, ancestors to dinosaurs, had already begun to diversify widely by its time. 3. Most ladybugs feed on plant-eating insects, such as aphids, though some species feed on the plants themselves. 4. Starved of sunlight, plants and plant-eating creatures would quickly die. 5. Gulping down food might have helped plant-eating dinosaurs grow into giants. 6. In a predator chain, a plant-eating animal is eaten by a larger animal. 7. It was a plant-eating hadrosaur which scientists have nick-named "Dakota. " Somehow, incredibly, all of Dakota seems to have become fossilized , right down to the stripes on its scaly skin. 8. Plant-eating animals tend to have longer intestines to aid in digesting fibrous material, a trait the black-and-white bears lack. 9. When plant-eating mammals evolved they developed quite a different set of manners, relying on chewing to make food more digestible. 10. The plant-eating marsupial would have been the size of a four-wheel drive car and weighed three tonnes, experts say. 11. It was a plant-eating hadrosaur which scientists have nick-named "Dakota." 12. A giant, plant-eating dinosaur had a wacky way of chewing. 13. But farmers love them because they eat aphids and other plant-eating pests. 14. For years now, paleontologists have been debating about how gigantic plant-eating dinosaurs, known as sauropods, held their long necks. 15. Darwin claimed the appendix was useful for digestion during our early plant-eating years; it's dwindled down to little since we started eating more digestible foods. 16. "Interestingly, bones of giant titanosaurs are very abundant in the Pari Aike beds, suggesting that these plant-eating animals were prosperous at the time of deposition of these beds, " Novas said. 17. However the significant differences of colony exited between flesh-eating bugs and plant-eating bugs. 18. Global warming is expected to make regional climates more varied and unpredictable, which could affect relationships between plant-eating insects and their enemies. 19. Besides fully marine crocodiles such as Metriorhynchids, there were also terrestrial crocodiles with mammal-like teeth that later evolved into plant-eating reptiles. 20. The scientists also plugged in the numbers for Apatosaurus, another huge plant-eating dinosaur. 21. The ornithopod is the first hatchling of a brood of plant-eating dinosaurs. 22. The new species is one of the titanosaurs, a group of plant-eating sauropod dinosaurs that walked on four feet and are known for their long necks and tails.