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(1) The General Atomics program, if successful, could provide a partial solution to one of the biggest problems associated with nuclear energy: figuring out what to do with highly radioactive waste. (2) Predator drones are built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. of San Diego. (3) General Atomics expects the Air Force to buy as many as 375 Reapers. (4) General Atomics has built more than five dozen small reactors over the years, mostly for research purposes, including two gas-cooled units. (5) General Atomics is a San Diego-based innovation firm with a 50-year history of successful solutions for environmental, energy, and defense challenges. (6) General Atomics of San Diego has funded the pre-conceptual design, which is underway and scheduled for completion in August. (7) The UAVs are manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (8) The Institute of Radium of National Academy of Peiping was the first institute in the field of radioactivity in China. In 1948, it was reorganized into the first institute of Atomics in China. (9) In Libya, the U.S. military has sent armed Predator drones, made by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., to strike targets in Libya. (10) Asked if France was in talks to buy Reaper UAVs from the U.S.-based General Atomics, Teisseire said: "All options are being studied for acquisition of medium-altitude, long-endurance UAVs beyond 2015. (11) And these are the little tiny fuel particles that go into or a pressed into, in the general atomics case, a prismatic reactor which is a fuel compact which are then inserted into graphite blocks. (12) CVN-78 will have an advanced arresting gear system, also being developed by General Atomics. (13) The teammates will work closely to design the Communications Payload B-kit with General Atomics, makers of the ER/MP platform. (14) The ratio of the symmetrical diatomic molecule generates more than the atomics because of charge resonance in theory. (15) Finally, mutexes are a relatively new locking mechanism that provides a simple API built on top of atomics. (16) When abrasive grains impacted on the work piece surface, the top layer atomics are removed, plastic deformation appears at the same time. (17) Another key innovation is EMALS , which is being developed by a General Atomics - led industry team.