快好知 kuaihz

1, Erica made a little deprecating shrug. 2, She glanced at me in a deprecating way. 3, She reacted to his compliments with a deprecating laugh. 4, The teacher gave the boys a deprecating stare. 5, Her deprecating smile clearly showed that she thought I'd said something stupid. 6, His book includes a deprecating reference to Reagan's economic policy. 7, He shrugged his shoulders and smiled as if deprecating his lack of education. 8, Her mother put on a deprecating look. 9, He shrugged the suggestion off with a deprecating smile. 10, He was quick to use self - deprecating humor to throw anyone off the scent. 11, If those thoughts turn negative or self - deprecating, kindly change the subject. 12, Then it began to sweep slowly over her in the deprecating manner that Jessamy remembered so clearly from four years ago. 13, On many other cuts, though, he goofs around in a self- deprecating way that actually seems phony. 14, United States President Abraham Lincoln from childhood have an inferiority complex, he is overcome by self- deprecating self-esteem,[http:///deprecating.html] develop their own self-confidence. 15, Meet thirty - three - year - old Clara Hutt: irreverent, sometimes unkind , always self - deprecating. 16, Mr. Tepper wears jeans and sneakers to work, and can be self - deprecating , playing down his successes.