快好知 kuaihz

1. The lake usually ices over by mid-January. 2. S will release its December sales figures in mid-January. 3. However, normal work continued until mid-January, when short-term visits were suspended and the residential staff were withdrawn until April. 4. From now, mid-January, until the final games of the season in mid-March, every game counts. 5. In mid-January, three months before Earth Day, John Gardner, Founder of Common Cause, provided temporary space for a Washington, D. C. headquarters. 6. The World Bank's projections will be updated in mid-January, with the release of Global Economic Prospects 2010: Crisis, Finance and Growth in Developing Countries. 7. They have until mid-January to present such a record to Judge Roesch. 8. In mid-January 1987, Hunan People's Publishing House formally published Lady Chatterley's Lover. 9. It was mid-January, and the Christmas holidays were almost over. 10. In mid-January 2010, this reporter went to California to visit the places where students, on-site parties and students from the institution where the feelings of the United States to study wave. 11. The change sets us back to mid-January in terms of morning light, according to Michael Terman, a biological rhythms expert at Columbia University. 12. The executive deferred a decision on Craxi's future until mid-January. 13. He said park reservations that have already been made will be honored through mid-January. 14. Longest Night had passed by without incident, and Chater had not returned until mid-January. 15. In December Ennis married Alma Beers and had her pregnant by mid-January. 16. Winds from the north pushed sea ice southward and formed cloud streets—parallel rows of clouds—over the Bering Strait in mid-January 2010. 17. The Danish striker was earmarked for a comeback early in the New Year but that target has now been revised to mid-January. 18. The Lakers also enjoyed the return of center Andrew Bynum, who didn't play after mid-january last season due to a knee injury. 19. The other years, when I set my sights on training for a marathon or even making the bed every day, my resolve crumbled by mid-January, at best. 20. If you could only see the planetary pattern in the sky in mid-January! Venus, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon will all be in your sign. 21. Van Persie was in a rich vein of form before he suffered a broken metatarsal in mid-January. 22. While Moscow will be reluctant to be seen as meddling in Ukraine's mid-January presidential elections, the country and its state-owned energy company Naftogaz seem to be running out of options. 23. D'Addario's friend, Barbara Montereale, told the left-leaning La Repubblica that she too attended the Nov 4 party, and then another at Berlusconi's Sardinian villa in mid-January.