快好知 kuaihz

1. The terrible scenes were indelibly imprinted on his mind. 2. That day is stamped indelibly on my memory. 3. The disaster is indelibly seared into the villagers' memory. 4. The incident was indelibly printed in her memory. 5. The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain. 6. The memory of that day was indelibly printed on his brain. 7. Yet the sensation was indelibly stamped on her memory. 8. It becomes indelibly graced with his tangy inner voicings and mix of the cerebral and the visceral. 9. Bob Dole may be indelibly marked as the man from Kansas but his roots are in Ohio. 10. The date was stamped indelibly on his memory calendar, more than just stamped, etched in. 11. The right to errancy is indelibly written into democracy. 12. Its European neighbors, by contrast, their histories indelibly stained by tyranny, military defeat, and imperial barbarity, seem eager to subsume themselves in a suffocating superstate. 13. The shining image of Premier Zhou Enlai is indelibly engraved on the memory of the people. 14. A bookend to eight years indelibly marked by terrorism, two wars and recessions, the 13-minute speech was Bush's last opportunity before he leaves office Tuesday to defend his presidency. 15. Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. 16. FASHION : Find A Special Hard Indelibly Object Not easy to be refurnish. 16.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 17. There are moments in life that are indelibly imbedded in your mind. 18. Otherwise, you may find that, within microseconds, they have been indelibly marked with the territorial's initials.