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1. But their biggest drawback was that they caused chilblains. 2. The rapid change in temperature can lead to chilblains and dry skin. 3. When this happens, you may be prone to chilblains and other circulatory problems. 4. In modern, centrally heated homes, chilblains occur less and less. 5. Wet shoes and leaking galoshes , and for the first time ...chilblains With Christmas in the arr? 6. An extreme reaction to cold, chilblains affects one in 10 people but your chances of getting them will be upped considerably by standing in kebab queues on winter nights. 7. Chilblains are only one stop short of frostbite, you know, and occur in all the same places. 8. You don't want to get chilblains like I did the first time I went out on the snow. 9. It's the first time to have chilblains for me to live in south of china more than 10 years. 10. What kind of private life could be imagined for this dried-up bundle of chilblains and nasal catarrh? 11. This increases the blood flow and works wonders for varicose veins and chilblains. 12. From the front gate he shuffled down the drive, a slow shuffle, because he was afflicted with chilblains. 13. There was nothing vulgar about these hands, not like his wife's plebeian paws with their chilblains and chipped red enamel. 14. It's not bad to stay at home since it's raining outside and too cold to have chilblains. 15. Her hands were, as her mother had divined , "ruined with chilblains." 16. Objective To compare therapeutic effects of acupuncture plus massage and medicine on chilblains. 17. The trick how to against winter dry - cracking and have chilblains? 18. It sometimes happened that Jean Valjean clasped her tiny red hand, all cracked with chilblains, and kissed it.