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chain smoker造句
1, Yes, he's a chain smoker. 2, Chain smokers don't care about the dangers of smoking. 3, After twenty years as a chain smoker Mr Nathe has given up the habit. 4, He recently kicked a lifetime habit as a chain smoker, a typical example of the famous MacSharry willpower, say observers. 5, I am a chain smoker. 6, The actor is a chain smoker. 7, Henry chain smoker, consuming at least five packs a day. 8, He's a chain smoker. 9, He is no smoker, but his father is chain smoker. 10, Henry is a chain smoker, smoking at least five packs a day. 11, There is a chain smoker in my office. He's a real nusiance. 12, President Conte, a diabetic and chain smoker, had been ill for several years. 13, I'm a chain smoker. 14, Tom is a chain smoker,[http:///chain smoker.html] consuming at least five packs a day. 15, He is no smoker, but his father is a chain smoker. 16, I'd give anything to have sat down with a tiny —barely 5 feet tall —bridge-playing chain smoker who used the spittoon liberally and had a weakness for croissants.