快好知 kuaihz

1. I've had a bellyful of your silly advice. 2. I've had a bellyful of their lies. 3. I've had a bellyful of your moaning. 4. A bellyful of gluttony will never study willingly. 5. Henry has had a bellyful of his wife's complaints. 6. I've had a / my bellyful of your complaints. 7. I'd had a bellyful of his family by the end of the weekend. 8. But I'd had a bellyful of your family and I just wanted to stay out of the whole rotten business. 9. Have a bellyful of sth. 10. He has a bellyful of absorbing tales. 11. I've had a bellyful of your bellyaching. 12. I've had a bellyful of these stupid jokes. 13. I'd had a bellyful of your family. 14. I've had a bellyful of training. 15. I've had a bellyful your silly advice. 16. I've had a bellyful of him. 17. Peter had his bellyful of fighting. 18. Today, I must the bitter water of pour bellyful. 19. Officer let, bellyful suspiciouses, but still excused him. 20. We've had a bellyful of these films about violence. 21. I've had a bellyful of your complaints. 21.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 22. Another person says: " Bellyful is the character of artful cheat. " 23. He has a bellyful of evil ideas, and is a scoundrel. 24. Bob likes a Cadillac, because, being a Teamster, he gets a bellyful of road and likes a nice ride. 25. His heart had been full of hope then, but now he had a bellyful of worry.