快好知 kuaihz

money down造句
1 He smacked the money down on the table and walked out. 2 He banged the money down on the counter. 3 It's just money down the drain, you know. 4 I put the loss of the money down to pure bad luck. 5 Lease a new Ford today for no money down and low monthly payments. 6 That will save time and money down the line. 7 He paid the money down and took the goods. 8 You have to pay some money down on the car. 9 It is money down the drain if you spend it all on candy. 10 I plumped my money down to secure one of the few remaining tickets. 11 I don't like to throw my money down the drain. 12 Jordan bought the house for no money down, low monthly payments and no strings attached. 13 I don't want to throw my money down the drain. 14 Why don't they just throw the money down the toilet? 15 He planked the money down on the counter and asked for more beer. 16 I may as well flush my money down the toilet. 17 We pay money down. 18 He plumped his money down to secure one of the few remaining tickets. 19 Why are they allowing the ratepayers and taxpayers of this country to go on throwing money down the drain? 20 The trouble with trying to maintain an old car is that you're always pouring money down the drain to keep it roadworthy. 21 As of August, several hundred people had put their money down for a spot in one of his bunkers,[www.] he says; 75 for Barstow thus far. 22 If you rely on a high-priced brand to ensure a good hair day, you could be sending money down the drain. 23 Tax Breaks: Interest paid to a credit card is money down the drain. Interest paid to a mortgage can be used as a tax write-off.