快好知 kuaihz

1. Have you supplicated already? 2. I supplicate you to tell me. 3. She supplicated the judge for protection. 4. We supplicate your majesty to grant him amnesty. 5. Supplicate visa officer to give us a chance to functional, thank you! 6. Rather a pilgrim is to supplicate Allah and ask Him whatever he desires. 7. Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate. 8. Also , you could be a guy who supplicate in his behavior to women , especially good-looking women . 9. When an individual wants to get married, they should have the intention to have righteous children and supplicate Allaah to this effect. 10. Also, you could be a guy who tends to supplicate in his behavior to women, especially good-looking women. 11. In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate. 12. I have to make this person love me" becomes "This is my tendency to supplicate. "