快好知 kuaihz

1 It is really, he believes, an indoctrination about multiculturalism. 2 The services focus on multiculturalism and social justice. 3 The Full Mont / s multiculturalism similarly exists solely at the level of the unifying image. 4 This multiculturalism evacuates ethnic difference,[www.] transforming it into taste or style. 5 How could Columbia deal with issues of multiculturalism and diversity more effectively? 6 Perhaps multiculturalism, in its achieved form, was a polyphony of just such well-trained voices. 7 But the message-a hymn to multiculturalism and environmentalism-is of the present. 8 Britons are cooler on multiculturalism. 9 A: The Canadian Multiculturalism Act. 10 That may be one reason why multiculturalism came easily to it. 11 The Rush die scandal has exposed the weaknesses of any benign multiculturalism premised on the assumption of easy harmony and pluralism. 12 It all came to light when I travelled from Bradford to London to take part in a television programme about multiculturalism. 13 If they stopped to think about it, they were living examples of the synergy of multiculturalism. 14 BRAZILIAN beats, Scottish bagpipes and Indian drummers - the streets of Melbourne will be alive with the sounds of multiculturalism when the Walk for Harmony is held tomorrow. 15 Switzerland is well known for cheese fondue, penguin parades and its multiculturalism. 16 With the essence of difference and multiplex, postmodernism becomes the origin and basis of multiculturalism.