快好知 kuaihz

1. She describes herself as an unreconstructed feminist. 2. She accused him of being an unreconstructed male chauvinist. 3. It was the unreconstructed Communists who continued in charge. 4. Pottz marks a reversion to unreconstructed virility symbol. 5. Struggling with this recalcitrant material, the director, an unreconstructed romantic, slapped on the atmosphere with a lavish hand. 5.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 6. Not even the most unreconstructed Keynesian would ever claim that the General Theory was an easy read. 7. Among historical colleagues, Thatcherite Tories and unreconstructed Marxists alike are firmly snubbed. 8. Peasants are still unreconstructed small capitalists at heart. 9. There are probably more unreconstructed southerners than one would like to admit. 10. It is full of new unreconstructed collision, conflict and argue. 11. Mr Papandreou's Pasok, embittered and demoralised, remains unable to evolve from unreconstructed popularism and anti-right rhetoric. 12. Mr Prescott's punch reminded voters that he was irascible and unreconstructed. 13. In the figure of the coltish, resolute Sigourney Weaver, Alien may just be the film that overhauled the old, unreconstructed horror genre and dared to put a woman centre-stage. 14. Unlike 'love' and 'commitment', the words 'relationship satisfaction' are unlikely to strike fear into the heart of the unreconstructed man (or reconstructed woman). 15. Mr Fico gleefully pointed out that it was also used by the unreconstructed Czech Communist Party.