快好知 kuaihz

1, The night air was soft and unseasonably warm. 2, It was unseasonably mild for late January. 3, Brilliant blue skies and unseasonably balmy weather prevailed. 4, It was February and the weather was unseasonably mild. 5, It was mid-summer, and unseasonably warm for Glasgow. 6, The mid-afternoon sun was still unseasonably warm,[http:///unseasonably.html] and there were children bathing in the sea. 7, The spring day was unseasonably warm, and after two hour's tuition she went into the clubhouse. 8, The night being unseasonably warm, most of the windows were wide open. 9, The rain should cool down this unseasonably early heat. 10, It was unseasonably cold. 11, He looked like a ghost evoked unseasonably from the grave. 12, That was especially true on an unseasonably cold, breezy night. 13, Harvesting began early in Bordeaux as well, due to unseasonably warm weather. 14, The closing months of the year have been marked by unseasonably mild temperatures. 15, The cherry tree was coming into blossom, encouraged by the unseasonably warm sunshine.