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variable expenses造句
1 You may need to scale back on your variable expenses. 2 If you have cut back significantly on your variable expenses and still can not meet your fixed expenses you will need to find ways to change your fixed expenses. 3 After you have listed your fixed expenses you will want to determine the amount that you spend on variable expenses. 4 In the equation approach, we start by dividing total expenses in to variable expenses and fixed expenses, and then express in come in equation form. 5 Rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable; variable winds; variable expenses. 6 I like the envelope system for production sure I don't spend also many ashore variable expenses. 7 I like the envelope system for making sure I don't spend to much on variable expenses. 8 We need to know that energy consumption represents the single largest controllable operating expense for a building, typically a third of variable expenses.