快好知 kuaihz

1. The car got stuck in a snowdrift. 2. The train ran into a snowdrift. 3. A snowdrift blocked his path. 4. A huge snowdrift is blocking the entrance to the driveway. 5. Firefighters helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift. 6. They usually manage to survive a day or so buried in a snowdrift. 7. I come back with an armful of dead birch to find Tony digging films out of a snowdrift near the tent. 8. In the cloak-room Mrs Frizzell stood in a whirl of used paper towels, like a panting snowshoe hare in a snowdrift. 9. Bunny and Susan went out to shovel the little Bunny out of the snowdrift. 10. On a bright winter's day spread a sheet of any black material across a snowdrift. 11. They went to the window and saw a very little Bunny stuck fast in a snowdrift. 12. Two huge , hairy ears stuck up above the snowdrift. 13. The dad - blamed car got stuck in a snowdrift. 14. Eventually, It'succumbed to the elements and was buried under years of snowdrift.