快好知 kuaihz

1. There's no need to look so woebegone - we can get it fixed. 2. Hepzibah looked at Carrie's woebegone face. 3. She sniffed and looked woebegone. 4. In the bathroom, her woebegone face stared at her from the mirror. 5. Why wear such a woebegone look? 6. Look you are woebegone, what thing? 7. See you that fashion that wear a woebegone wording, how, primp as my boyfriend, so fold you old your good ego? 8. The parting sadness vanishes slowly, and she is woebegone all day. 9. When he wants to go for a walk, the dog sits by the door with a woebegone expression. 10. Of course, the commodity that we face false bad today still is a pair woebegone.