快好知 kuaihz

1. He contrasted her brashness unfavourably with his mother's gentleness. 2. He was a typical showman with a brashness bordering on arrogance. 3. To many this brashness spoke volumes about the form which urban redevelopment was taking. 4. You may display anger and brashness . 5. Such brashness is typical in Wenzhou. 6. A similar brashness defined her forays into public society as the first lady of the Kremlin. 7. The powerful combination of gentility and brashness she acknowledges comes her way by genetics. 8. It is true that turmoil, brashness , and a feeling of loneliness amid the millions have always marked life in the city. 9. The opprobrium and enmity he incurred were caused by his outspoken brashness. 10. Even though Communist rule is 11 months away, Zunzi is paying the price for his brashness. 11. In contrast with the restrained, clipped hautecouture shots of the Fifties, Bailey's pictures generated boldness, brashness, sexuality. 12. Apparently, American girls were safer, but I was forever shocked by my friends’ brashness and their insubordination to their parents. 13. Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness. 14. Victory has brought Armstrong fame, wealth and softened some of the brashness he displayed as a young rider. 15. Japan's old-guard businesses think this would be unnecessarily disruptive. And Mr Son's brashness annoys many. One boss calls him a “parasite” who must be eliminated. 16. The test flight was the latest display of Chinese brashness in security matters. 17. But so far only Dubai seems to have licence to purvey total brashness, recently boasting the world’s largest shopping mall and most spectacular array of fountains among other attractions. 18. She lacks experience , and has too much of the brashness of youth , but she will make a good Queen in time .