快好知 kuaihz

Mary s Kitchen歌词
lrcgc.com 制作 Album:Overtones Just Jack-Lost Picture this 2.30 on the hottest night in June He awakes for no reason and checks his watch by the moon And his mouth feels as dry as his eyes as he struggles to rise And stops to contemplate his wife’s thighs as he does up his flies He finds his slippers where he left them under the chair behind the 2 cups and an old copy of marie claire He switches the on the coffee machine that of course works like a dream catches sight of his reflection in the silver surface sheen And It’s a face he knows well although it should look less abused With all these moisturisers and the skin products he’s used As he moves through the kitchen, his homage to brushed steel Across the new pine flooring that’s plastic but looks real Past the plasma