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Like Only A Woman Can歌词
歌手介绍:Brian Mcfadden(布莱恩 麦克法登) 曾是红极一时的偶像天团Westlife一员的Brian,外型温文尔雅,是团员中最具贵族气质的金发男孩。然而坚强的演唱功力与独到的音乐想法,让他超越其他团员,率先单飞出辑! 2004年11月首张单飞专集“Iriah Son”是一张充满音乐性并且将Brian的嗓音发挥至极的心血力作,首只单曲“Real To Me”,不仅Brian亲自动笔,写下自我最真的情感,加上恣意流畅的吉他旋律,与Brian成熟感性的真挚嗓音,一推出立刻夺下全英金榜冠军宝座! 在沉寂一年多时间之后,2007年4月20日biran推出了自己的新单曲Like only a woman can,内容是帮助一个作家找到爱情,自我救赎,展望未来。biran用自己的磁性嗓音对此歌曲进行了完美演绎。 I wasn’t perfect I’ve done a lot of stupid things I’m still no angel I wasn’t looking for forgiveness Wasn’t laid out by my pride Shocked by her attention And someone signed me up for love I didn’t want it And now I can’t live without it She changed my life She cleaned me up She found my heart Like only a woman can She pulls me up When she knows I’m sad She knows her man Like only a woman can She’s kind of perfect She’s kind of everything I’m not Yeah, she’s an angel And it’s amazing how she’s patient Even more at times I’m