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Omnia于1996年开始在欧洲各地异教徒祭典以及民谣演唱会上巡回表演,乐团最初成立时只有两人,现在乐团成员已达 14 人之多。乐团演奏风格在开始成立的时候是以欧洲塞尔特以及哥德人的战歌为主,在2002年乐团新加入了珍妮并带来了塞尔特竖琴的音乐因素后,乐风转型为哥德人梦幻式清新民谣为演奏主轴。 Pagan Folk(异教徒人们)这张专辑是Omnia乐团再一次转型的发展方向。收录的乐曲在创作上更为精致与完美,并改善了在乐曲演奏上的技巧但又不失去乐团传统上的演奏风格使整张专辑让人感到有着非常温暖合谐的感觉。Round about the cauldron go, in the poisoned entrails throw Skin of toad and spike of bone, sharpened on an eagle stone Serpent s egg and dancing dead, effigy of beaten lead Double double trouble you, bubble in a witches brew Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog Lizard leg and fairy wing, round about the cauldron sing Double double trouble you, bubble in a witches brew Root of mandrake dug at night, when the moon is full and bright Slip of yew and twig of fern, make the fire dance and burn For our will