快好知 kuaihz

太好听了 这才叫做天籁歌词
Dear god 敬爱的上帝啊 I know that she s out there...我知道她在那里 the one i m suppose to share my whole life with 那个我将与之共度一生的人 And in time...在某个时刻 you ll show her to me 您会让我见到她 Will you take care of her 请您好好照顾她 comfort her 让她过得舒适 and protect her...还要佑护她... until that day we meet 直到我们见面的那一天 And let her know...还有 让她知道.... my heart...我的心.... is beating with hers 只为她而跳动 In a dream i hold you close 在梦中我抱紧你 Embracing you with my hands 用我的手拥抱你 You gazed at me with eyes full of love 你用充满爱意的眼神凝视着我 And made me understand 我知道 That i was meant to share it with you 我应该与你分享这一切 My heart my mind my soul 我的心 我的思想 我的灵魂 Then i open my eyes 然而 当我睁开眼睛 And all i see reality shows i m alone 看到的却依然是我孤身一人 But i know someday that you ll be by my side